Friday, May 31, 2013

President of Syria Threatens Israel with Military Attacks

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad threatens to attack Israel if the Jewish state did agreasi to Syria. Assad threat was conveyed in more than 1,000 troops when approaching the opposition contested City Qusair Assad forces with the opposition.

Assad forces assisted by the group Hezbollah for control of Qusair said sure victory will be achieved. "World War confronted with Syria and Israel orchestrated policy. Yet we believe will win," said Assad told Al-Manar television, as quoted by Al Jazeera, Friday (05/31/2013).

"My troops will be ready to face any attack from the Israeli military, especially after the recent tensions in the Golan Heights. We've uttered that the right response to all forms of Israeli aggression," he continued.

Syrian government forces
Syrian government forces (Reuters)
Assad admits there was an attempt to open a new uprising in the Golan region. But he did not explain what kind of pressure it.

Meanwhile, interim President of the Syrian National Coalition Geroge Sabra said, the opposition forces will overwhelm Qusair City. Thousand opposition forces will endeavor to reclaim Qusair of Assad Government.

"More than 1,000 troops from the Free Syrian Army (FSA) and the rest of Syria is currently joined to fight in Qusair and expel foreign terrorists who had infiltrated Syria from Lebanon in particular," said Sabra.

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