Sunday, April 28, 2013

U.S. travelers Want to Overthrow Government Accused of North Korea

North Korea announced, citizens of the United States (U.S.) of Korean ancestry who were detained in 2012, will soon be brought to justice. Travelers was found guilty of crimes against the communist country. 

Kenneth Bae has been detained by police in the
city of North Korea's Rajin on 3 November 2012. The 44-year-old man visited the North with five other travelers. Criminal charges are dropped into Bae also quite heavy because he was allegedly seeking subversion.

"In the process of the investigation, she (Bae) admitted that he was guilty of plotting the overthrow of the North Korean pemeintah," the newspaper reports of the Government of North Korea, as quoted by Reuters on Sunday (04/28/2013).

"His crime has been proven through the items of evidence, he will be taken to the Supreme Court to be punished," the end of the report in the newspaper.

North Korean newspaper did not explain in detail, what penalties will be faced Bae. U.S. LuarNEeri Ministry spokesman Jen Psaki said, this time Uncle Sam began to be aware of reports of U.S. citizens in North court. The U.S. also asked the representatives of the Swedish Embassy to be present in court in order to provide protection for U.S. citizens.

So far, North Korea sentenced him to five to 10 years in prison for someone who opposed the country. The defendant also requested work force in North Korean camps.

The legal process is initiated when the North and the U.S. relationship increasingly strained. In April, the North also threatened to attack U.S. military bases in the Pacific.

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