Saturday, June 22, 2013

U.S. Wanted wake NATO Asian version?

Ambassador to North Korea to the United Nations (UN) Sin Son-Ho demanded the dissolution of the United Nations Command in South Korea (ROK). According to him, the United States (U.S.) have made use of the army to fight the North and make alliances tubs North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) in Asia.

In a press conference which is quite rare, Sin told reporters on the condition of many of the Korean Peninsula. Sin reiterated, war could happen at any time since the U.S. played a significant role.

Sin is addressed in a fairly long duration in a press conference that make claims about the UN troops. According to him, the army is nothing but a tool of war, organized and Uncle Sam does not have any hook-jointed at the UN.

"UN Forces Command is basically the U.S. Forces Command," Sin said in a press conference, as quoted by the Associated Press, Saturday (06/22/2013).

Sin Son-Ho
Sin Son-Ho (Livemint)
Sin added, the facts show that the U.S. has tried to change the UN Command to multinational forces. Shape of the multinational forces as well as NATO forces, but they are in Asia.

"These troops will be the matrix of the Asian version of NATO, and the U.S. military is a stepping stone that would like to attack the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, as well as realize the policy of the U.S. military strategy in Asia," said Sin.

"The U.S. intends to make South Korea the basis of its dominance in the Asia Pacific. Situation on the Korean Peninsula this year has also been very warm due to the threat of nuclear war between North Korea and the U.S.," he concluded.

Besides that, Sin also addressed the issue of dialogue with the United States.

Sin said that the dialogue can also be used to discuss the nuclear issue and a peace treaty North Korea with South Korea.

Sin also convey the message that North Korea expressed his country's willingness to dialogue with the U.S.. But Sin recall, it is a dialogue between high-level dialogue aimed at defusing tensions in Korea and create peace.

"The whole problem is caused by the United States," Sin said in a press conference in New York.

According to Sin, the dialogue should include the issue of making a new treaty to replace the Korean War Armistice Agreement 1950-1953 long. The new agreement will be a new peace mechanism.

Sin added, conversation mengengai "world without nuclear weapons" can also be inserted in the dialogue. But Sin warned North Korea would never dismantle its nuclear weapons because the weapon is a weapon for self-defense.

Korean communist country only disarm if the U.S. agreed to stop the hard policy toward North Korea and the UN Command dissolve in the South. Sin intends to bring the issue to the General Assembly for consideration again. (sbmptn)

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